With coronavirus being far from over, wearing a face-covering in public is not only advocated for by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] but it is also mandatory. Face coverings have also emerged as an alternative to regular face masks.
Face covering is a general term that applies to scarf, bandanas, homemade masks, and reusable masks. A face covering is not the same as a surgical mask worn by health officials. A face covering can be made out of various breathable fabrics, such as cotton, silk, polyester, polypropylene, etc. When buying a face covering, there are so many things that you should know. And you shouldn’t just buy any face covering that comes your way. So, what should I look for when buying a face covering? Well, the first thing you should look for when buying a face covering is to ensure that it has multiple layers.
The benefits of wearing face coverings
Of course, the main benefit of using a face covering in public is that it reduces the spread of infection. This is why the World Health Organization [WHO] and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] are encouraging people to wear face masks or face coverings while in public places.
The Risk of wearing face coverings
The use of face coverings may also carry extra risks. For instance, wearing a face-covering may create a false sense of security, which may make people neglect other measures for preventing the spread of the disease, such as social distancing, washing hands regularly, or keeping two meters away from each other.
Face coverings should also be used safely for them to work as effectively as possible. If used incorrectly, there is a risk of self-contamination. In addition to that, there may also low-quality face coverings that are not made properly. These kinds of face coverings won’t provide extra security.
Who is being advised to wear face coverings?
Face coverings should be worn by anybody who is in public to avoid the spread of coronavirus. You must wear a face-covering when using public transport, at the grocery, at the supermarket, at the park, airport, train station, or in any other public space where it is difficult to keep two meters from each other.
What if you can’t wear a face covering?
Face coverings are meant to attract bacteria and viruses that come into contact with them, hence providing extra protection. So, if you cannot wear a face covering, then you will be at risk of contracting the deadly virus. This is why it is mandatory to wear a face-covering or face mask.
However, if you cannot wear a face-covering simply because you feel it can cause you harm or severe distress, the best thing for you to do is to stay indoors. Refrain from going to overcrowded places lest you risk contracting the virus.
Where can I get a face covering?
You can easily order your face coverings online. Just be sure to buy high-quality face coverings.