
7 Ways to Deal with Hunger

Losing the pounds and managing your weight is a challenge no matter where you’re beginning. It’s hard to shed extra weight, especially when your body is used to consuming large amounts of food. Foods high in carbohydrates and sugars produce even worse cravings, and overcoming those hunger pangs is a challenge that many people have trouble facing. Weight management isn’t about drastic shifts. Successful weight loss that stays off long-term is done with incremental changes that help your body get used to dealing with hunger. You’re not helpless when it comes to fighting hunger and urges to eat food. Those urges shouldn’t be underestimated. They come on suddenly and lead many people to binge eat and erase weeks or months of strict dieting. Here are seven ways you fight off hunger and manage cravings.

  • Take It Slowly

A major mistake many people make is thinking change happens all at once. They’ll have a few great weeks of healthy eating and pounds shed. Then their body starts screaming for the ice cream, candy, pasta, and whatever else they used to eat. They succumb to the cravings and are back at square one.

One of the best ways you can deal with hunger is to start dieting in increments. Start by cutting out one unhealthy food at a time. If you know you usually snack at a certain time each day, eliminate that from your diet. Then focus on breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Remove unhealthy foods and replace them with vegetables and other low-calorie snacks. After a few weeks, your body will ease into your new pace of eating without the crazy hunger swings that happen with crash fasting.

  • Drink A Ton of Water

Water is known to satiate your appetite and reduce food intake. Drinking a gallon of water a day will fill your stomach and give you the feeling of being full faster without having to eat as much food. High water intake also speeds up your metabolism, making weight loss happen quicker. When you see results in your diet, you’ll be more encouraged to keep moving in the right direction. If you’re not accustomed to drinking a lot of water, it may be hard at first, but like with most things, you’ll adapt soon enough.

  • Choose Low-Calorie Snacks

If you’re trying to cut down on food and need a way to deal with hunger, opt for low-calorie foods that will fill you up without adding extra pounds on. Vegetables like cucumbers, celery, carrots, and others are low in calories because of high water content. They’ll also do a great job of filling you up. When you’re used to eating candy and chips, the veggies will be an adjustment, but you won’t be hungry and even if you need to eat a bit more to fight off cravings, you’re not going to torpedo your diet efforts.

  • Check Out the Science of Research Peptides

Peptide research offers an exciting opportunity for possible hunger management. Specifically, Melanotan-2 has been found to suppress hunger in clinical tests done on rats and mice. The peptide works in the rats to suppress preference for fatty foods as well. According to Melanotan 2 was shown in the tests on rodents to also lower cravings and shift their overall food preferences. The developments show promise for future treatments and wider use cases down the road. Much research is still needed to further evaluate the benefits of Melanotan-2.

  • Stay Active

If you’re sitting around thinking about food, it’s harder to fight the hunger cravings when they come. To combat cravings, get up and get active. When you’re feeling hungry, go outside for a long walk. In no time, you’ll forget about eating food until it’s mealtime. If your cravings come at specific times during the day, make sure you allow the time for exercise or some other activity to distract you from the hunger.

  • Eat High Protein Foods

Eating foods high in protein will keep you feeling full for longer. Meats, avocados, nuts, and other high protein snacks are the opposite of the empty calories so many of us eat in the form of snack food. Stay away from eating out as much as possible. Stick to the grocery store and buy a lot of chicken, beef, and other foods filled with protein to cook at home. Your home cooking will be healthier because it will have less salt and butter. That means you can eat more of it and get the same or less caloric intake. Your stomach will be fuller and less likely to trigger cravings after you’ve eaten.

  • Indulge Responsibly

Fasting from all of your favorite foods is probably setting you up for failure. You’re going to do well for a while, but eventually, you’re going to want that chocolate so badly that you’re binging before you know it. The majority of successful dieters don’t eliminate all of their favorite foods from their diets. They keep them in via some shape or form and use them sparingly. The trick is to eat enough to get the mental and emotional benefit from indulgence foods without overeating them and causing weight gain or regret.

It’s ok to eat a bit of chocolate or have a scoop of ice cream once in a while. You just need to balance those extra calories with exercise to avoid putting on the pounds. Having tiny bits of your favorite indulgence is no big deal, and it will satisfy your hungry cravings for a while. It will also lower the chances of a binge session around the corner.

Fighting hunger is a challenge for many people. That’s why obesity is such a big problem in our country. We eat too much junk food and condition our bodies to loads of sugar and empty calories. Changing your diet and your lifestyle, and getting any supplement boost you can get are some of the best ways to change your life for the better. You’ll have fewer hunger cravings and worry less about your overall long-term health. You’ll love the way you feel and your new quality of life.

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